Boutique Hotel News • 21st January 2025 Miiro names general manager for Templeton Garden hotel Nicola James has been appointed general manager of the luxury hotel Templeton Garden ahead of its opening in Earl’s Court, London, this year.
scribbled. • 15th December 2024 Essay: Friendship, Loss, and The Final Dialogue Between Michel de Montaigne and Étienne de La Boétie This essay investigates the implications that the loss of La Boétie had for Montaigne’s perspective on the philosophical question that most occupied and haunted him: can a man ever make peace with his own death?
Madison’s Substack • 1st December 2024 "I love this part of the work": David Nicholls gives talk at Oxfam Books and Music, Islington It has been a busy year for David Nicholls. Early spring saw the revival of his 2009 book, One Day, in the form of a hit Netflix series. Not only that, but the author landed yet another number one bestseller after his highly anticipated sixth novel, You Are Here, hit the shelves.
Islington Now • 24th October 2024 Barnsbury restaurant owners fear road restriction will be 'bad for business' Nick Collin, a member of the anti-LTN group, Keep Islington Moving, said he lacked confidence that Islington Council will listen to residents’ concerns. He described the current plan as “disastrous for local businesses.”
La Dépêche • 19th March 2024 Comment la musique peut vous faire tomber amoureux de la langue Française Parmi tous les musiciens populaires que l'on présente habituellement aux étudiants en français, tels que Stromae ou Angèle, -M-, nom de scène du musicien Matthieu Chedid, n'est pas le premier qui vienne à l'esprit. Originally published in La Dépêche
Photo by Chris Molloy on Pexels La Dépêche • 19th March 2024 Paris, ville Marmite - On l'adore ou on la déteste Ayant passé la majeure partie de l'année à vivre dans la ville de Paris, me retrouver de nouveau dans le bar Bristolien, le Bag of Nails, par une froide soirée de décembre, entourée par des chats endormis et les tasses de cidre chaud, a été une expérience presque surréaliste. Originally published in La Dépêche
17th March 2024 Review: Lime Garden @ The Fleece, Bristol, 06/03/24 True to their name, Lime Garden has cultivated a growing following with their refreshing twist on the well-trodden ground of the indie genre and a not-so subtle edge of bitterness.
Photo by Elina Sazonova on Pexels La Dépêche • 13th March 2024 Issue 6, La Dépêche Two articles written in French on Marmite-like attitudes towards Paris (p.15-16) and the benefits of listening to French music on language learning (p.17).
SPIN Research Network • 8th March 2024 Essay: Artificial intelligence, disinformation, and state secrecy: Challenges to the legitimacy of the upcoming 2024 United States presidential election The 2020 United States presidential election was unprecedented in terms of the implications it posed for the legitimacy of elections and for the future of democracy itself.
OK Talk Counselling • 7th March 2024 ‘I became a psychotherapist not just to support people, but to find answers.’ An interview with Marina Sabolova, founder of OK Talk, Portishead Marina Sabolova had wanted to become a psychotherapist since she was a teenager. Determined to better understand herself and those closest to her, she left her home in Slovakia to study in Manchester, spending eight years in training.“I could see my mum struggling, and I always wanted to help. Once I got qualified, I found out that she lives with OCD.”
EURORDIS • 21st August 2023 Pushing for Improved European Policymaking: An Interview with Kateřina Konečná MEP In a conversation with MEP Kateřina Konečná, who represents the Czech Republic within The Left group in the European Parliament, we delve into recent EU policy strides on rare diseases.
EURORDIS • 31st July 2023 From Awardee to Board Member: An Interview with Graham Slater As we look towards the 2024 edition of the Black Pearl Awards, we have been catching up with some of our past Black Pearl Awardees. In an interview with Graham Slater, elected to the EURORDIS Board of Directors in May, we discuss his journey into advocacy, the development of effective holistic care pathways, and the importance of volunteers in the rare disease community.
EURORDIS • 19th July 2023 Meet the young advocates making a difference for our rare disease community To shine a spotlight on Europe’s own young rare disease advocates, we have spoken to some inspiring advocates about their experiences, their achievements, and hopes for a better tomorrow for people living with a rare condition.
EURORDIS • 15th June 2023 'Yesterday’s science fiction is tomorrow’s clinical service improvement': An Interview with Alastair Kent OBE In an interview with Alastair Kent OBE, former Executive Director of Genetic Alliance UK, we discuss his path into advocacy, the EU’s progressing legislative reforms to the Orphan Medicinal Products Regulation, mental wellbeing in the rare disease community
EURORDIS • 28th May 2023 Mental Wellbeing in the Rare Disease Community: An interview with ALAN - Maladies Rares Luxembourg In an interview with Daniel Theisen, Director of ALAN – Maladies Rares Luxembourg, we discuss what his organisation has been doing to combat the mental wellbeing challenges facing the rare disease community.
Epigram • 23rd May 2023 Paris: City of Impressions In a city the world has immortalised, what are the lasting impressions of a local? Madison recalls her time in Paris, and the beauty of the everyday that she found there.
The Croft • 9th May 2023 Paris: City of Impressions Paris: City of Impressions. Originally published in print in the travel section of Epigram's magazine, the Croft.
EURORDIS • 18th April 2023 A look at #EMM2023: Exchanging views and ideas for a better future The 2023 EURORDIS Membership Meeting taking place on 25-27 May in Stockholm will bring together people from across Europe’s rare disease community.
Her Campus | Created for Gen Z, By Gen Z. • 1st March 2023 “I have to sacrifice my grades or my mental health” – how the cost of living crisis is impacting young people Speaking earlier this month, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s announced that the UK has narrowly avoided a recession, seeing zero economic growth towards the end of 2022. The situation remains precarious.
Her Campus | Created for Gen Z, By Gen Z. • 14th February 2023 Strikes in France : Why Are The Retirement Reforms So Controversial? On the 10th January, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne set out the key aims of the French government’s proposed retirement and pensions reforms at a press conference.
Her Campus | Created for Gen Z, By Gen Z. • 19th December 2022 Street Harassment Ban: What It Means For Women’s Safety With 71% of women reporting that they have experienced sexual harassment in public spaces last year, the government’s recent proposal that street harassment should be specifically criminalised is perhaps long overdue. Predictably, shortly after a BBC article on the subject was published, some men started outing themselves on Twitter as the exact targets of this proposed legislation.
Freshered • 31st August 2022 Muse: Will Of The People Review The grandiose, elaborate and patently dystopian has always been what Muse does best. Supermassive Black Hole and even earlier songs like Sunburn gave us short, sharp bursts of pure energy, a dark, sensual cacophony of electric guitars punctuated by Matt Bellamy’s soaring vocals.
Freshered • 1st July 2022 Ben West Launches First-Ever University Mental Health League Table Activist Ben West has launched the first-ever university mental health league table to help school leavers make fully informed decisions about where they attend higher education.
Empoword Journalism • 26th June 2022 In Defence Of Waif Girl *Voted top article of 2022 by Empoword Editors-In-ChiefThroughout media history, female characterisation has been carved up into a neat set of identifiable tropes, served with a generous pinch of the male gaze.